Monday, October 16, 2006

Weekend Roundup

Hat FM. Nelson Mandela. Dostoevsky. What do these three things have in common? The Office - Series One, Episode Three. It’s an ingenious episode. This is the one that got me hooked on the series a few years ago. I watched it again last night. HA! If you've only seen the American version, please do yourself a favour and check it out.

In the spirit of The Office, the dance of the week features David Brent:

Other weekend highlights included an Arrested Development: Season Three viewing party. Complete with Chicken On The Way. Since we’re on the topic of chicken and Arrested Development, I can't resist including another dance video:

Yes, I admit, physical exercise did not rank highly on my list of activities, but it was nice to have a low-key weekend. ♪

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That chicken was freaking delicious.