Friday, December 15, 2006

Geek out with me

I decided to coin a new word today: gennuis (from a mash up of genius + ennui). It hasn’t been added to common vernacular yet, but maybe someday it’ll be legitimatized by a celebrity – like Mr. Colbert. Anyway, the term comes from a typo I made the other day. It doesn’t describe my current state of being or anything conceited like that, but has a punny ring to it. So, why let it go?

You may be shocked to find out that this isn’t the first expression I’ve submitted to urbandictionary. Check out love tetrahedron. I also know the guy who added sniffles. See first definition only. The rest are dumb.

Right, back on track, the flavour of the day is geeking out. I’ve got the perfect clip for audiophiles and nerds alike. Check this out:

My mate Paul, no relation to the David Holmes song, has decided to build a theremin. Not only that, he’s modeling it in PSPICE first. He scores major geek++ karma points for that. The last time I saw a theremin being used in a musical performance was during an ambitious showing of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. Complete with a live organist courtesy of the Cantos Music Foundation. As a matter of fact, Cantos has just released their schedule for Silent Movie Mondays for 2007. It makes for an unusual night out. I strongly recommend it.

If you want to start your own non-commercial MIDI-based music project, may I suggest this? I’ve seen the MIDIbox in action. It’s totally cool, and you can patch it in to professional software like Ableton Live. ♪

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still hate you for that love tetrahedron shit. You know who this is. I will head-shrink you.
